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We are a multi-cultural, multi-generational church of people who are believers and seekers, faith-filled and skeptics seeking community, working toward peace and justice, believing we can make a difference in the world. We were organized in 1960 and continue to be guided by our Vision Statement and five Covenants (for more information about our Vision and Covenants see the Quick links to the left). We are proudly progressive, intentionally inclusive and creatively spiritual. We worship together on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. (See our event calendar for the seasonal worship schedule.) Our Chapel is available for individual and group meditation during the week.
The earth is God’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein; for God has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the rivers. (Psalm 24:1)
We live on a planet, which God created and declared to be good, but which is being destroyed by the carelessness and excesses of humankind. We believe in the interconnectedness of all of God’s creation and in leaving our children a legacy of beauty, wholeness, and a healthful life, and the Scriptures tell us we are to be stewards of God’s creation.
THEREFORE, we declare Parkview Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, to be a Whole Earth Church. We affirm this congregation’s ongoing concern for conservation of our resources, educating its members in conservation methods, and participating in programs aimed at health and wholeness of our planet and its creatures. We commit ourselves to honoring God’s creation by seeking ways to help educate others, practicing wise stewardship of God’s earth, providing outreach in the community for Whole Earth concerns, and giving thanks to God in worship. We covenant with God and with one another to live as a people of God’s creation and to work to restore balance and beauty to this planet.