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AdoptOneBlock provides community members the tools, services and community connections to make our neighborhoods cleaner, safer and more beautiful. As a result, people feel better about themselves, their neighbors and the positive impact they can make together and see their impact every time they walk out their front door.

We presently have over 9400 individual volunteers (Block Ambassadors) who have committed to cleaning up over 11,300 square blocks on a regular basis.

Donation Form

Nonprofit Donation Form

Vehicle Location

Property Location

Aircraft Location

Vehicle Information

Property Information

Aircraft Information

Vehicle Information

Aircraft Information


Helpful but not required: to better help us identify the right channels to sell your donation, pictures are always welcome. For instance, 1 picture from each side of a vehicle with 1 looking into the interior from the drivers side.

Please fill out any special instructions and click submit!

You should hear from us within an hour during normal business hours - Monday through Friday, to quickly run through the donation process.
