The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training has the world’s largest collection of U.S. diplomatic oral history. We have over 2500 oral histories at – and it’s growing every day! But that’s not all we do.
– Our web series of 800 “Moments in Diplomatic History” captures key historical events and humorous aspects of diplomatic life.
– The website attracts over one million visits annually – everyone from journalists to practicing diplomats, distinguished academics and students from around the world.
– Our 70+ podcasts are available through iTunes and Podbean.
– Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training has facilitated the publication of over 100 books by members of the Foreign Service.
– We are committed to educational outreach. ADST’s website has sample lesson plans for high schools and universities on a broad range of topics. We also work closely with local and national partners to strengthen the understanding of and support for diplomacy in the education system.
– We support the work of the State Department’s Foreign Service Institute, providing critical source material for those who are training today’s diplomats – and tomorrow’s.
– Our oral histories cover almost eight decades, including histories of pioneering African-American, Hispanic, and Women diplomats.
-Check out our page focusing on American diplomats of Hispanic descent,and our page about African-American diplomats!