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Boys and Girls Clubs of the Peninsula, aka BGCP, was founded in 1958 to give at-risk young people a safe place where they could build positive peer and adult relationships. Youth joined the Club, connected with adult role models, and participated in activities. After they turned 18 and graduated from high school, most Club kids found entry-level manufacturing jobs that could support a family and lead to a long-term career.
Safety and relationships are now as necessary as ever, but they are not enough. Today’s Club youth must experience school success, build 21st century skills, and find a pathway to post-secondary education or training so they can participate in and benefit from Silicon Valley opportunities.
Students don’t need a longer school day; they need a longer learning day and a longer learning year. They need expanded leaning time opportunities to fill in gaps, reinforce what they are learning in school, and develop the academic mindsets and habits that lead to success in school, and beyond.
This is where BGCP makes a difference. We partner with families and schools to provide youth with the opportunities all kids need.