Donate a vehicle to
Colorado Right to Life Committee Education Fund

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Colorado Right To Life commits to never compromise on God’s law, “Do not murder.” This includes never supporting any legislation that condones any abortion and/or can be interpreted to conclude, “and then you can intentionally kill the baby, the handicapped, or the elderly.” Every human being has a God-given right to life from the beginning of that person’s biological development through natural death, regardless of their perceived value to society or perceived capacity to contribute to that society.

Colorado RTL understands there are no exceptions which would allow for the intentional killing of an innocent human life. We recognize that in some circumstances, the mother’s life and/or the baby’s life will be in danger. Under those circumstances, those responsible must make every legitimate effort to save the life of both mother and child.

Donation Form

Nonprofit Donation Form

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Vehicle Information

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Vehicle Information

Aircraft Information


Helpful, but not required:

  1. If you have title in hand and can upload the front and back image of your title.
  2. Pictures of each side of your vehicle, and one of the interior, are always helpful for identifying the right sales channel for your donation.

Please fill out any special instructions and click submit!

You should hear from us within an hour during normal business hours - Monday through Friday, to quickly run through the donation process.
