Donate a vehicle to
Friends of the Animal Shelter

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Friends of the Animal Shelter (FOTAS) is a non-profit organization that was formed in 1990 to support the programs of the Jackson County Animal Shelter.

Our mission is to:

  • increase pet adoption
  • improve the quality of life for Shelter animals
  • promote spay and neuter
  • participate in outreach and educational activities regarding responsible pet guardianship and animal welfare.

Friends of the Animal Shelter, like most non-profit organizations, is run by a Board of Directors. FOTAS’ employees report to and are accountable to the Board. The Board sets policy and direction for the organization. It also oversees the organization’s finances and fundraising.

The members of our Board enjoy the Board meetings and their interactions with one another. At our Board meetings, the input of each member is valued and weighed in a creative atmosphere. All members of the Board are uncompensated volunteers.

FOTAS relies heavily on close to 250 volunteers who generously and lovingly contribute more than 10,000 hours per year. We have a minimum of paid staff, full and part-time, to help organize the efforts of our volunteers.

Donation Form

Nonprofit Donation Form
Step 1 of 5 -

Vehicle Location

Property Location

Aircraft Location

Vehicle Information

Property Information

Aircraft Information

Vehicle Information

Aircraft Information


Helpful, but not required:

  1. If you have title in hand and can upload the front and back image of your title.
  2. Pictures of each side of your vehicle, and one of the interior, are always helpful for identifying the right sales channel for your donation.

Please fill out any special instructions and click submit!

You should hear from us within an hour during normal business hours - Monday through Friday, to quickly run through the donation process.
