Donate a vehicle to
Napa High Choral Boosters

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Your contribution will help provide our program with essentials such as Sheet Music, Performance Attire, Transportation Costs, Scholarships (Tour and College) and Administrative Services. The State of California only provides $4 per student per year to our program – to put this into perspective, a single copy of Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus,” which is learned and performed by over 250 of the students in our program each year, costs $2.95 per student! In order to maintain our level of excellence, our program needs the financial support of the community, businesses and anyone who supports music in the schools. We need your help!

Donation Form

Nonprofit Donation Form

Vehicle Location

Property Location

Aircraft Location

Vehicle Information

Property Information

Aircraft Information

Vehicle Information

Aircraft Information


Helpful, but not required:

  1. If you have title in hand and can upload the front and back image of your title.
  2. Pictures of each side of your vehicle, and one of the interior, are always helpful for identifying the right sales channel for your donation.

Please fill out any special instructions and click submit!

You should hear from us within an hour during normal business hours - Monday through Friday, to quickly run through the donation process.
