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Neighbors helping neighbors, like the barn-raising of old, is the American spirit in action. Rebuilding Together East Bay-North(formerly Christmas in April) was born of that spirit as people came together to help low-income neighbors fix their houses—first in Texas, then in Washington D.C. and then California and beyond.
Rebuilding Together believes in a safe and healthy home for every person. This means that we believe disabled and aging homeowners should be able to remain in their homes for as long as possible.
Rebuilding Together East Bay-North, or RTEBN as we call it, is a local nonprofit that preserves affordable home ownership and revitalizes communities by providing free rehabilitation and critical repairs to the homes of low-income seniors, disabled and veterans. We also provide repairs for nonprofits and community organizations like senior centers, schools, medical clinics, nursing homes and shelters that serve low-income people right here in our own neighborhoods. We can only do this with the support of roughly 1,000 volunteers and donations from individuals, corporations, private foundations, and small business owners.
Many of our neighbors worked hard all their lives, but now are unable to maintain their homes in safe and secure conditions. Physical disabilities and financial hardship prevent seniors from completing critical repairs needed for their homes, resulting in dangerous and unhealthy living conditions. With more people living longer than at any time in the history of this country, low-income homeowners often have no place to turn to when the roof begins to leak and the front steps crumble and the heater breaks down. Our goal is to preserve these houses and neighborhoods and assure a warm, dry and safe home for people in need.
We invite you to learn more about our work; to volunteer with us; and to support our work.