Home » Nonprofits » Animals » The Pixie Project
We are a non-profit animal adoption center and rescue located in the heart of Portland. We are here to make animal adoption and rescue a fun, family friendly and positive experience. The small but dedicated staff here at the Pixie Project are committed to the art of match making between pet and person and take a hands on personal approach to each and every adoption.
We are so committed to helping those great homes in search of the perfect rescue dog that many times our available animals don’t even make it up on the website because as soon as they come in we know just who would love them!
We ask that all those looking for animals honor the process and the that it might take a bit of time to find that perfect animal but it’s well worth it.
PLEASE DON’T BE DISCOURAGED if you don’t see a dog or cat that fits what you hope to find. Just come on down and fill out an application and talk with us today!