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Guiding Principles, Mission and Vision
Guiding Principles:
1. Our church family wants to be like Christ, loving our neighbors unconditionally;
2. In worship we are open to and trusting of God’s Spirit;
3. We grow in our understanding of the truths of Scripture and knowing that Christ is our greatest joy;
4. We value knowing and responding to our congregation, meeting our changing spiritual, physical, and emotional needs;
5. We value being responsive to our community and more attractive and relevant to those outside the congregation;
6. We are committed to including a diversity of people;
7. The promotion of social justice for all people is part of our congregation’s calling;
8. We value Creation and show concern for the ecology of the planet;
9. We are an ecumenical and connectional church, responsive and responsible to the governing bodies of the PC (USA);
10. We enhance Christian education and worship by fostering music and other arts;
11. We provide Christian education and fellowship for all ages; and
12. We actively nurture spiritual growth in all we do.
Mission: We welcome all people to worship the living God through Christ, while together we learn to love and care for one another, grow in faith, and promote social justice.
Vision: We will continue to foster a multi-generational and multi-cultural congregation by nurturing all people in their faith journeys. We will be a hospitable church that provides a hub for community activity.
We come together in community with God, sharing our diverse gifts in worship, service, and love.