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Coalition Ending Gender-based Violence Logo

Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence

The King County Coalition Against Domestic Violence is now the Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence! Keep an eye out for out new website, which
colectiva legal

Colectiva Legal del Pueblo

History Colectiva Legal del Pueblo (CLP) was founded in November 2012 by a group of undocumented community organizers, activists and immigration attorneys. From it’s
colony cats

Colony Cats

Colony Cats is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose primary mission is to address cat overpopulation in central Ohio through public awareness and spay/neuter
colorado pet pantry

Colorado Pet Pantry

Colorado Pet Pantry (CPP) is a statewide pet food bank helping people to feed and keep their pets during financial challenges. In times of
colorado right to life

Colorado Right to Life Committee Education Fund

Colorado Right To Life commits to never compromise on God’s law, “Do not murder.” This includes never supporting any legislation that condones any abortion

Committee on the Shelterless

Founded in 1988, COTS was an expression of two local residents’ concern for children and adults who were sleeping in culverts, dumpsters, or other unsafe
Apex YC

Apex Youth Connection

As the CBC grew from just a dozen to hundreds of kids, Andy recruited volunteers to help out. In 2006, the CBC purchased what’s
community music center

Community Music Center

About Community Music Center Community Music Center’s mission is to make music accessible to people of all ages, musical levels, and financial backgrounds. Our

Center for Animal Protection and Education

The Center for Animal Protection and Education (CAPE) works to save the lives of individual animals and to educate people about ways in which
centro cultural

Centro Cultural de Condado de Washington

also known as: Centro Cultural of Washington County Centro Cultural and its Mission Centro’s mission is to promote education and economic development, increase cultural consciousness,

Charlotte Maxwell Clinic

The Charlotte Maxwell Clinic is named in honor of Charlotte Maxwell, who died of ovarian cancer in 1988. Charlotte Maxwell was born in Buffalo,
chase brexton health care

Chase Brexton Health Services

At Chase Brexton, we are passionate about people and passionate about addressing their health care needs. Chase Brexton provides a different health care experience.
university of richmond

Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Drug Court Foundation

The emergence of crack cocaine in the mid-1980s, coupled with a continued widespread use of illegal drugs, has had a dramatic impact on the nation’s
childs play

Child’s Play

About Child’s Play Started by the founders of Penny Arcade, Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins in 2003 uniting the gaming community and highlighting the

Children’s Law Center of Los Angeles

About CLC Children’s Law Center of California (CLC) represents children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned that come under the protection of either
Children's Healing Art Project

Children’s Healing Art Project

> Children’s Healing Art Project  (CHAP) brings the healing power of Art to children in crisis through a mobile team of teaching artists working
Logo for Akin


Formerly Childhaven and Children’s Home Society of Washington While our name is changing,
what remains constant is our commitment to families, 
caregivers, parents and children. This
childrens room

Children’s Room Center for Grieving Children and Teenagers Inc.

The Children’s Room is the largest independent, non-profit organization in Massachusetts dedicated to creating safe, supportive communities so that no child, teen or family
chinese american citizens alliance

Chinese American Citizens Alliance

Cardinal Principles The Cardinal Principles upon which the Alliance was founded are to fully enjoy and defend the rights and privileges of American citizenship,
chinese culture center

Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco

Under the aegis of the Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco, Chinese Culture Center (CCC) is one of the leading and most prominent cultural

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